Spartanburg Beast - Double Trifecta Acquired

Aroo! And with that, I obtain my 2018 Double Trifecta (completing two full cycles of 3 different race types – Sprint, Super, Beast) and bring my 2018 OCR racing schedule to a close. Along for the ride was my sweet girlfriend who obtained her first Trifecta of the year!

The course we ran through over the past weekend is considered to be one of the “easier” 15mile obstacles courses, but running through that much terrain and through 30+ obstacles is a tough racket for just about anyone. I had flirted for a time with attempting two loops of the course for 30+ miles and 60+ obstacles to obtain a coveted Ultra status and being awarded a cool looking belt buckle of a medal (no kidding, the medal is actually a belt buckle you can wear around and glows in the dark haha). I think I could have pulled it off, but my first attempt at an Ultra will have to wait until April 2019 when I take on the mountains out on the east coast.

Heck of a day, and heck of a season. Proud of my 2018 that introduced me to the world of OCR for the first time, and proud of my girlfriend who decided to come along and join me for much of the journey this year and for her completing her own Trifecta in the process.


A Note on Delivering Hard News and Moving Forward

A few thoughts on delivering hard news or having to let someone go.

  • When delivering hard news, be both respectful of the individual and honest. I’m a huge proponent of clear communication, even if that feels like the more difficult route. You show respect for the person you’re engaging with and I think they end up respecting you more for doing it that way.

  • It’s easy to mope and be down, but you still have to lead and move forward – God only knows how sad and heart-broken I am inside, but as a leader you need to keep moving forward for the team still around you, and you need to rally the troops and continue to march forward.

  • Be honest and make time for those still with you. Survivor guilt is a very real thing. You should allow your team a forum or opportunity to talk about how they’re feeling and address it. That said, the team that’s still here has a large amount of responsibility and tremendous opportunity in front of it. They’re important and they need you to tell them that so they know it. 

Delivering hard or bad news is never fun. Respect those around you by being honest and as communicative as possible. You’ll get through it, so will they.


What's For Breakfast?

Priorities. Determining and communicating what they are from the top down is critical to success. I know this sounds obvious, but having the right priorities and aligned priorities is often more difficult in practice.  And when they don’t align properly it’s akin to figuring out what’s for breakfast on the Titanic when there are bigger things that need to be addressed.


Toyota Park Sprint

This past weekend a Spartan Sprint (3+ mi) came to Chicago at Toyota Park (home of the MLS Chicago Fire). Seeing as this is my backyard, I was able to enlist 4 additional friends in addition to Courtney and myself. The weather was nice but is starting to turn in Chicago – it’s only going to get colder from here for the last few races of 2018.


Pittsburgh Super

I finally convinced someone other than my poor girlfriend to join me on a Spartan Race this past weekend. The victim? One of my best friends from business school, Kevin.

Our race consisted of 9 miles through Midwest terrain outside of Pittsburgh. The race got off to a rocky start since the venue location actually changed a few days before the race when toxic waste was discovered dumped across the course. The new location that it was moved to consisted of three mile loops. Allegedly it takes weeks to set up for an OCR course, so although rather lame to run laps, I was appreciative they were able to secure an alternate venue on such short notice.

A grueling course in its own right, it was a heck of a weekend catching up with an old friend and hopefully getting another person hooked on OCR!


1 Year In Somewhere New - Acceleration of Learning and Building Galore

I can’t believe it’s been a year at my "new" job already. It feels like I just left Monumental Sports a few weeks ago – wow how time flies. Incredible to think how much has happened over the last 12 months or so. Holy moly, the Washington Capitals won the Stanley Cup -- thrilled for the organization and my friends still at the organization. Beyond that, at my “new” jobI have been pushed harder and further than I thought possible. With that, I feel fortunate to have learned and developed at a rate I did not think possible. Part of this is due to an incredible amount of responsibility and oversight, part of this is due to the opportunity to build an entire department from scratch, and part of this is due to the pace in which our group has been forced to iterate and develop strategies that are both adaptive and agile to the business environment around us.

Some notable highlights:

  • Built a full stack marketing strategy team from scratch

  • Capitals win Stanley Cup

  • Pioneered a marketing strategy framework - AER

  • Developed machine learning marketing automation programming – AER 1.X

  • Hitting over 100k partner connections for a single partner in less than 6months and obliterating our 2-year goal


1 Year Out of Sports... My Reflection Back

A year ago today I put in my 2-weeks’ notice at Monumental Sports. It wasn’t an easy decision to make, and I wondered greatly whether or not I was making 1) the right decision, and 2) how I would feel leaving the sports industry.

To the first point, hands-down the right decision, no doubt about it. The opportunity to challenge myself and grow at my current organization is unparalleled. From pioneering marketing frameworks to building three separate divisions from scratch with some of the best talent I have ever had the good fortune to be around, has been incredible.

To the second point, do I miss working in sport? The answer is somewhat more complicated. Would I work in sport again? Absolutely. There are certain aspects I miss – the comradery, sexiness to the product you were marketing and working for, the behind-the-scenes access, and all working towards winning a championship together. There are other aspects I don’t. Salary was horrific, and I mean horrific compared to what the open market would pay, the talent was at times hit-or-miss, and the politics of what is still, in areas, an old boys club.

Again, I would certainly be open to jumping back into sports at some point down the road if the opportunity was right, but I must admit I am surprised that I don’t miss the industry more. I feel fortunate in many respects to have come out of it, as I’ve been exposed to a much broader landscape of opportunities, opportunities which I now find just as exciting and “sexy” as working in sports.

I still have many moments of missing aspects of having worked at a sports team, but also feel incredibly fortunate to have been given an opportunity to broaden my horizon and skillset.


Spotlight- AER Strategy, Building Our Marketing Strategy Foundation

Pronounced “air”, the AER strategy for our group is a framework to help our group focus our marketing efforts. Often I am asked whether or not AER is unique to our group or something that I developed out of thin-“air”. I developed the framework from scratch for our organization, but the concept is hardly new as it’s simply an altered view of the marketing funnel. Here is what it all stands for and means:

A - awareness

A - acquisition

E - engagement

R - redemption

R - retention

R – referral

Taking this a step further, the true purpose of AER is to develop data fueled strategies for each program, partner, or product. This includes building segmentations and targeting based on member data insights for each partner and service. In turn, this leads to personalized communications, behaviors, and experience. Finally, we can’t lose sight of what is good for the business. Some members may be a positive margin to our business while others may be negative to our bottom line. Because our organization includes points and cashback incentives, AER also focuses on insights and modeling dedicated to turning negative margin behaviors into positive margin behaviors – more on this in a moment.

AAERRR Funnel: Awareness, Acquisition, Engagement, Retention, Redemption, Referral

Let’s talk about the divide halfway through at the engagement step. A moment ago I pointed out that the framework accounts what is good for the business and focuses on turning negative margin behaviors into positive margin behaviors. This tactic starts at the engagement stage, because this marks the point in which a member is fully considered to be part of our ecosystem, and whose actions from this point moving forward will determine whether they are good or harmful to the bottom line of the business (positive or negative margin as a result of our organizations ecosystem being partially based on points and cashback discounts/ incentives). The behavior throughout the next three stages, Engagement, Redemption, Retention, are marketing funnel stages that require different tactics depending on how the member impacts the business.

In a nutshell, we take persona level data on our positive margin members and create look-alike models that feed back into our awareness and acquisition funnel stages. As for our negative margin members, the strategy is to break away from our core marketing practices and target to change the fundamental behavior and actions of our members through the methods in which we communicate with them and incentivize them to take actions that are believed to turn negative margin-based behavior into positive based behavior.

Finally the framework reconvenes at the final R – referral. Studies, as well as our internal data, show that a referral from a friend or colleague is nearly 5X more likely to connect and engage within our ecosystem.

The Activation & Growth team is developing holistic cross-channel campaigns supported by data and behavioral insights across the entire ecosystem inclusive of partner, product, and services. It is the team’s responsibility to survey the landscape and develop horizontally designed strategies that sit across each partner/ product/ service vertical. (i.e. understand how all the pieces fit together). Using the comprehensive strategy framework we designed specific to our team, called the AAERRR (“air”) strategy. AAERRR helps strategy teams understand where in a fluid-based lifecycle a member is in relation to a specific partner or service (awareness, acquisition, engagement, retention, redemption, and referral).  From a health-of-business perspective, AAERRR separates what attributes facilitate a positive vs. negative margin member in relation to each of these touchpoints (A-A-E-R-R-R). In action, we leverage this data for targeting to not only keep positive margin members positive, but also to change the behavior of negative margin members so that they ultimately become positive margin to the business. The last piece is utilizing a positive margin look-alike model to then use for acquisition targeting. This strategy is being created out as the foundation to each and every one of our products, partners, and services. This creates custom targeting and insights based on member behavior and engagement.

This is an incredibly detailed and complex matrix of data. Not only do we look at each member in relation to each stage they engage with, we also use cross program data to build out theories and messaging to create more retention and in turn higher MNOPs. Our ecosystem is unique in that it isn’t a single “brand”. We have the ability to gather data insights from our partners, build daily journeys for our members, and impact behavior changes. The Activation & Growth team looks beyond just acquisition, as our strategies allow us to view the ecosystem holistically, end to end, across an entire lifetime of a member and how we can earn that member’s trust and affinity to become a brand ambassador and utilize referral to then grow our brand. This is the 1:1:many halo effect central to other leading strategy departments at organizations such as Google and Facebook.

Beyond the strategy itself, AAERRR impacts other major components central to the Activation & Growth team, and SYW strategy at large. One of the biggest pieces that gets developed based on this strategy is our comprehensive “bottoms up” plans. These plans create the week over week campaign and omni channel plan to hit our goals, stay in budget, and grow ROI. We develop a plan around internal vs. external marketing channels and integration into our organization as a whole. We can forecast investment, acquisition, and build out CPAs. As part of this foundational strategy to our marketing, our growth team acts as the innovative arm of our group to enhance every touchpoint. The growth team develops gamification, community activation, local activation, influencer & networks, and behavioral economic strategies to externalize and amplify our communications and marketing messaging.

Finally, everything we design, create and externalize is backed by our Strategy & Research division. This team develops the data insights and visualizations that give us the full backing to understand how to develop our strategy, test our strategy, and optimize campaigns. We rely on them to provide full insights and theories as to what results are and why they happened, so that the rest of the activation team can then utilize those insights in the next iteration of their strategy.

The AAERRR strategy is our foundation to grow a successful and sustainable business. We use a complex matrix of data to understand our members and customize their experience. It is the A&G team’s goal to give our members a seamless personalized experience every day, to grow affinity, engagement, and MNOP across our team as a whole and across all the individual programs, products, and services.

Some final thoughts. The reality of our AER framework is that it’s only the tip of the iceberg. Ultimately we need to build a strong foundation to our data and marketing practices, and this is where we need to start – get really good at this, and add additional layers of insights, automation, forecasting, and modeling into the equation to build a better member experience that provides both value to them and to the business. 

Today we’ve built AER version 1.0. Tomorrow we’ll look to build AER version 1.X – more on this once we get there.


Spartan Race - Well that was "Super"

Oh boy – what a weekend. I just ran my first Spartan Race, a Super 8+ mi obstacle course race for those of you who don’t know. Our organizations President emailed our leadership team about six months ago about signing-up for this race. A few people replied including myself. I invited my girlfriend along. Neither of us had over done an obstacle course race (i.e. OCR race) before, but it sounded interesting. I knew I needed to either start running or lifting to get myself prepared, but the last few months at work had been busy and I was burning the candle at both ends to build three separate divisions from the ground up and create organization-wide strategies. So I decided to leave that for a bit, and I headed into this past weekend feeling very intimidated about everything I had heard about Spartan and obstacle races. And as it would turn out, not very many people made the race for a variety of reasons. In fact, it was just me and my girlfriendI.

Even though I hadn’t been working out regularly, 8+ mi would not have been a big deal to me since I regularly walk just about everywhere I go. However, it had been raining for nearly a week straight before we took the course, and there was mud thicker than glue and 10inches deep. Trudging through that for 8+ mi is a totally different animal however than walking. I’ll spare the drawn out details but needless to say, it took us 5 hours to complete, and took just about everything we had to get through the 30+ obstacles and 10 inches of never ending mud and freezing streams. Eventually we came to the finish, thoroughly exhausted, and a funny thing happened – even after a grueling 5 hours, we both had ear-to-ear grins on our faces. The moment we leaped over the burning fire pit and across the finish line where they placed heavy medals around our necks, a real sense of accomplishment washed over us.

As we hobbled back to the car and started the hour drive back home, I started thinking more about why I felt such an incredible sense of accomplishment. I had friends and co-workers taunting me the weeks leading up to it that gave me fuel to prove them wrong, but it was the fact that it was legitimately difficult and that real suffering and struggle was involved that made the experience.

Game Over. I am hooked. And for whatever reason, I feel like going to the gym tomorrow, for the first time in a long time, to get ready for the next one.



Spotlight- Digital Communities (A Growth Division sub-department)

So let’s start with a couple questions for this one.

What is a community and how do we define it?

Simply put, it’s a group of people who communicate, share ideas, and develop relationships around a common interest.

What’s the difference between an online community and a social network?

Online Community:

  • Members usually do not know each other in “real life”

  • Most communication is based around a common interest or characteristic (fitness, cooking, sports, etc.)

  • “Nested structure” with sub-communities, threads, etc.

  • Social Network:

  • Formed around pre-existing interpersonal relationships (family, friends, coworkers)

  • Interaction is much more diverse, not always based on commonalities

  • “Webbed structure” where each person has their own social network that can overlap someone else’s (i.e. mutual friends/followers)

Following so far?

Sitting under our Growth Division, our digital community’s department focuses on the communities already within our organization’s ecosystem. These are individuals who communicate, share ideas and build relationships around a common interest. For example, we have millions of members who belong to our DIY (do-it yourselfers) digital community, who share tips and ideas on a variety of home improvement and building projects.

The objective for our digital community department is to grow and sustain these integrative communities that provide a unique and inclusive member experience, encourage participation, and ultimately build brand identity, loyalty, and advocacy for our programs, products, services, and affiliates.

Our goal is to give members a way to communicate and build relationships across our ecosystem in a more conversational environment. Aggregate consumer feedback and insights. Create a sense of belonging for members, resulting in stronger brand awareness and advocacy. Provide a place to integrate partner programs, journeys, and other ecosystem related entities to unique target audiences.

So what does our digital community group focus on day-to-day?

  • “Seed” communities by posting relevant content

  • Engage with active members to encourage discussion

  • Community moderation – make sure everyone follows the rules

  • Track community trends and sentiment

  • Increase awareness, participation and loyalty


Forget the Raft, I'm on a Boat in the Middle of an Ocean

If you read my earlier post on what it was like to come into my new role, I suggested it was similar to being a raft captain who had been thrown overboard in the middle of a rapid, only to then climb back in the front of the raft in the middle of pure chaos

I’ve been thinking a lot about this and now I’m not sure the analogy still holds water (see what I did there 😉 ). Safe to say I’m at a point where I feel like I’ve made it to the back where I could captain us out of immediate danger. However, now I’m left facing a totally different boat related problem analogy. Okay, hang with me here …

You’re on a boat. A big one this time, and you’re the Captain in charge of all crew and operations aboard. You’re in the middle of the ocean. Still with me? Okay cool, here’s the deal. Your rudder is out. To make matters worse, your engines are out too. You’re in trouble, but that’s not the worse part. You guessed it, there’s a hole in bottom of ship and you’re taking on water… but here’s the kicker, you’re a good captain and you’re not going to bail on your ship because you like a challenge (remember, you like challenges!) and this is what you signed-up for.

Alright Captain, what’s the play here?

Okay, enough fun with weird analogies, although I have used this exact one with my team at work to put some things in perspective. I’m not quite the Captain of the boat per-say, but call me the guy who’s in charge of getting the engines back up and running. The rudder is our analytics and insights teams across the organization, and the product experience (our various apps, partner experiences, etc.) is the hole in the boat. In order for us to make it out (and turn this company around successfully), we’re going to need to believe in the product team fixing the hole, and the analytics team getting the rudder going (get it? insights lead you in the direction that’ll make you successful… like a rudder… never mind). And that leaves us as a marketing department to get the engines up and running (i.e. what is going to get us moving and moving fast once we know the direction and have something that works).

So here we are, May 24, 2018, in the middle of fighting the good fight and getting internal portions of the organization aligned and running properly. It’s an exciting time to be here, and I look forward to continually turning on portions of the marketing engine more and more as time goes by.

Oh Captain, My Captain!


Spotlight- Influencer & Networks Marketing (A Growth Division sub-department)

Nestled under our Growth Division, our influencer & networks department focuses on the concept of 1:1:Many (one to one to many). Most know this as social media influencers who have established credibility and authenticity with their following that allows them to influence or persuade their following to change a type of behavior. But allow me to explain a bit further. If I send you a marketing email, that is a form of 1:1 communication – one marketing message targeted to and hitting the inbox of a single individual. But how do I get either that single individual, or anyone for that matter, to take my marketing message and tell their friends, family, network, etc., about it? That effectively would be going from 1:1:Many – or the crux of what we’re after in marketing amplification and marketing performance tactics.

The objectives of our influencer & networks department is to effectively reach a desired target market, to build a greater sense of credibility and trust within the industry, and to strengthen brand awareness.

Our goal is to strengthen and amplify our brand within the social media marketplace through impactful influencer campaigns and collaborations with our highest valued members to successfully establish top-of-mind awareness and strong member loyalty within our organization’s ecosystem.


Spotlight- Local Activations (A Growth Division sub-department)

Local activations, positioned within our Growth Division, are our in-market physical footprint/ presence at events at national, regional, and local levels. They incorporate what many refer to as grass roots marketing initiatives and tactics. This type of marketing focuses on providing sensory and emotional values to the consumers and aims to create synergies among meaning, perception, consumption and brand loyalty.

The objective is to curate impactful and content-rich experiences that are related to our story, not only to draw audiences in, but to also facilitate a more meaningful connections with our members, to our products, services, affiliates and partnerships that will go well beyond a promotional period. The goal is to execute hyper-targeted programming to increase Familiarity, Acquisition, Purchase Intent, Overall Impression, Advocacy, and Return Purchasing.


Spotlight- Business Intelligence Division

The third division of our group is our Business Intelligence division, which includes all of our analytics, reporting, forecasting, modeling, data visualization, and empirical research. Their data-driven research and analysis fuels the marketing strategy team and is the backbone behind the actions for the Activation & Growth team. Data keeps our marketing design moving forward with a consistent feedback loop that optimizes our results.

Our data analysis efforts cover our reporting, forecasting and modeling efforts – breaking down trends, insights, and impact of member behavior on AAERRR strategy (more on what this later, but for now think of it as our core marketing framework in which we operate and design strategy). Our data visualization efforts provide interactive data storytelling around member research and campaign performance. Finally, our member research efforts focus on queries and pulls member behavior and demographic insights on members acquired through each channel and campaign.


Spotlight- Growth Strategy Division

Our Growth Division is the “amplifier” of our core Activation Strategy. By extending our marketing communications to on-the ground experiences, education and sharing across community networks, and building relationships with influencers, we create a true multi-touch approach that reinforces our message and builds affinity and unity across our member base.

The core strategic components of the growth group are Social Media, Local Activations, Gamification, Digital Communities, Influencer & Networks.

  • Social Media: Engage with our members on the platforms they utilize most with unique and impactful content

  • Local Activation: Curate impactful experiences to facilitate a meaningful connection with our members

  • Gamification: Challenge our members to develop habits leading to brand affinity, loyalty and desired actions

  • Digital Communities: Grow and sustain interactive communities that provide a unique and inclusive member experience

  • Influencer & Networks: Strengthen and amplify our organization within the social media marketplace through impactful influencer campaigns


GSD Team

GSD, or as we refer to it around the office, the Get S*** Done team. The idea is to empower a group of individuals to operate nimbly in an environment that might not ordinarily lend itself to nimbleness. The idea behind creating or referring to a group as such is to push and empower individuals to move faster and more efficiently in accomplishing tasks or certain projects. This may mean breaking rules or breaking processes from time to time.


Spotlight- Activation Strategy (i.e. Marketing Strategy) Division

The Activation group is the core marketing strategy group for my department and its partners, programs, and services. Using data as its backbone and the Growth team as its amplifier, we have developed a marketing design that is strategic, integrated across the organization, omni-channel, and hyper targeted and personalized for our members.

The core strategic components of the activation group are the AER framework, Data & Insights, Targeting, Personalized Messaging, and optimizing the Channel Mix.

  • AER Framework: Marketing strategies for each stage of a member’s journey

  • Data & Insights: The backbone to all decisions. Data develops targeting models and data feedback loops to develop insights

  • Targeting: Focus on segmentation and personas for programs

  • Personalized Messaging: Personalized messaging based on behaviors, actions, and engagement

  • Channel Mix: Hitting the right people, at the right time, on the right medium
