I recently wrote a post that speaks to a new and greater opportunity at my organization that I have been presented with that offers a set of unique challenges. Within this post I outlined three major goals I was seeking to solve or fix this season. Recently we solved the first of the three major goals.
Step 1 - Apply Trafficking Across All Assets
In many ways we’re flying blind when it comes to traffic management and inventory. If a question comes up as to whether or not a certain asset is available to see, dozens of contracts and phone calls need to be made to answer the question with any real degree of certainty. Although a few assets have been entered into internal trafficking documents, nearly 80% of what we sell isn’t. Priority one will be to get this situated so we can better understand the landscape in which we are operating.
What was the issue?
Despite there being a few isolated spreadsheets that accounted for select assets and when they were supposed to be up and running, our organization had no real in-depth insight as to when and where assets should be running without having to rely on either 1) remembering to do something, or 2) dive into dozens of contracts and other related documents to determine whether or not what we had been executing as an organization was accurate.
How did we solve it?
A lot of people say showing up is half the battle. If that’s true, I think most of the second half is being organized and diligent in what you do. The solution here was very straightforward.
1. Identify every type of asset we sell
2. Categorize and organize each of these assets into buckets
3. Create documentation that allowed for insight
4. Apply upcoming season data and contracts
5. Share with constituents
6. Continuously and vigorously update
Each of these steps required an incredible amount of attention needing to be paid to detail and unparalleled amount of organization. Fortunately for us, after we had a roadmap in place, we had the right staff in place to be able to execute successfully on this day-to-day.