S&R Goal #3 Complete: Identifying the Low-Hanging Fruit

I recently wrote a post that speaks to a new and greater opportunity at my organization that I have been presented with that offers a set of unique challenges. Within this post I outlined three major goals I was seeking to solve or fix this season. Earlier we solved both the first and second of the three major goals which you can read about the first here, and the second here. Recently, we solved the third and final one.

Step 3 – Identify the Low-Hanging Fruit

Once we know what our environment looks like (step 1), and once we’re able to report accurately on it (step 2), it’ll be time to uncover opportunities and create efficiencies across our sellable assets. Step 1 and 2 required.

What was the issue?

We had clear visibility and insight to the landscape of inventory and contracts around us, and reporting to help us understand the data. The final piece that was missing was identifying where to send and direct our sales staff.

How did we solve it?

The good news was that all of the data we needed existed and was available. The bad news was that it lived in a couple of different places. The solution? Joining multiple data sets on a single golden record and criteria. Joining multiple data sets allowed us to mesh our valuation data with our engagement data, thus giving us the ability to provide insight into the best performing and highest valued assets.

It’s been a quality year. We’re entering into the beginning of 2017 and we’re hit our primary departmental goals. We celebrate for a day and regain our focus on how we improve on what we’ve just accomplished and created. Meanwhile, we’ll start to asses what our primary goals are for the next year, and how to start positioning the necessary resources to set ourselves up for success.
